It seems that the first boats, yachts, speedboats… are on their way to Central Dalmatia. Sure, this is hard to believe these days, but a new form of nautical tourism is shaping up. On the other hand, this shouldn’t be a surprise, since the ship was always the savior of humans in dire times. Starting with Noah’s ark, where all living beings found shelter.
Rumor has it that all capacities on the islands have been booked already. Everybody wants to make sure that they have a reservation in place when Corona suddenly is over. If we could only vaccinate against everything, but that obviously is an impossible task! Either way, we are entering into a sort of vaccinated tourism. This means that we have to create safe heavens and ports of protection and responsibility and everybody has to adhere to the rules.
Despite this global crisis, major construction works are going on all over Central Dalmatia. From Drvenik in the South, in the Makarska Riviera and Sucuraj at the southern peak of island Hvar up to Marina and Trogir and on the islands of course… These construction projects mainly relate to investments into new seaports, like in Bol on island Brac and Omis on the mainland. These projects will surely impact the lives of citizens in these communities, but also everybody else gravitating towards them. And Covid? Well, we will sail through that one too!
Stubborn seamen still hold on to their competition leagues and regattas. If not in form of official competitions, they compete through trainings, in the middle of this pandemic. It is beautiful to watch the colorful spinnakers full of wind on the blue waters of the Adriatic in this time of restrictions, giving you the feeling of complete freedom of movement that is soon to come. Happy Easter!
Prvi brodovi, jedrilice, gliseri, jahte... krenuli su prema Srednjoj Dalmaciji. Teško je to vjerovati, ali evo, razvija se novi oblik turizma i nautičarstva. Turizam u zbjegu. Moglo bi se i tako reći. Jer kao i uvijek u doba smakova svijeta, brod je spašavao čovjeka. Još od Noine arke. Spašavala se i stoka. Sve bi stalo na brod. Odmah vidite i sliku iz ovih krajeva s potresom.
A na primjer po otocima svi govore da su im sve moguće agencije već sve rezervirale. Jer je panika, jer što ako ne bude mjesta kad iznenada prođe korona. E da se cijepit protiv svega, a toga nikad nije bilo! Znači, ulazimo u cijepljeni turizam. A i u njega se valja ulagati, graditi luke zaštite i odgovornosti; ostanite u luci i budite odgovorni!
Evo i sad se gradi posvuda u Srednjoj Dalmaciji. Od Drvenika na jugu Makarske rivijere i Sućurja na punti otoka Hvara pa sve do Marine i Trogira, te po otocima... Najveći planovi vezani su za nove luke u Bolu na otoku Braču i u Omišu na kopnu. To su projekti koji će promijeniti život svima koji gravitiraju tim privlačnim portima, mjestima i krajevima. A korona? Preplovit će se i nju.
Tvrdoglavi jedriličari i dalje drže svoje lige i regate u zimsko doba. Postoji i natjecanje unutar kojega se održavaju stalno trening-natjecanja, lige usrid korone. Ne samo da se jedri sve u šesnaest, a niko pojma nema jer je negdi daleko zbog korone, nego se jedri sa špinakerom, tako ga svaki nautičar, jedriličar ima na ustima... mali špinaker za veliki virus. Sritan Uskrs!